How to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp? If you are using Whatsapp then you may probably know all the useful features of WhatsApp. And one of them is to block someone on WhatsApp. If you don’t want to talk or chat with someone or don’t want that he/She message me again then WhatsApp allows you to block them. This is the best feature for a number of reasons.
But What if you have been blocked by someone? how do you find out who blocked me on WhatsApp? because there is no direct sign that will tell you that you have been blocked. If you message someone on WhatsApp and have waited for a long time but didn’t get any replies then you might be thinking that he has blocked me. This type of situation may arise.
If the person tells you that I have blocked you then it’s ok, there is a sure shot, and you are cleared about it. But what if someone blocked you on WhatsApp without messaging you? Then what are the ways to get to know who blocked me on WhatsApp? Well, here we are going to give you the signs that indicate whether you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp or not.
How to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp
If you are feeling that some has blocked you on WhatsApp but you are not sure about that and you can’t ask them directly then here I have mentioned some ways to find out who blocked you on WhatsApp. Below are the ways and tips to know if you have been blocked by someone on WhatsApp or not.
1. See contact details in WhatsApp chat
This is the first step you should follow. First, Open the chat or conversation of which you have doubt that you have been blocked by them in WhatsApp. First of all, let me tell you that what are the signs indicate you are not blocked by them. If you are able to see the DP or profile picture then you are not blocked by them. If you are able to see their last seen then it’s a sign of not getting blocked by them.
But if you can’t see their profile picture and last seen then there are two possible thinking. It may happen that they have not set a profile picture or they have disabled last seen activity through the WhatsApp setting. You can take a guess that you are not blocked by them.
Let’s take an example to clarify your doubts. Suppose you have doubt that your friend has blocked you on WhatsApp and you are not sure about that. So first, you have to open the chat window of your friend on WhatsApp and look at the contact details. If you can see the display picture and the last seen activity then you are not blocked by your friend. But if you can’t see it on your WhatsApp account and you are sure that your friend has set the DP on his WhatsApp account then you might be blocked by your friend.
If you have doubt about someone that he has blocked you on WhatsApp and if he is also a friend of yours on WhatsApp and is also a friend of any of your family member or any other friend (mutual friend), then you should check the above-mentioned tips on your WhatsApp and on your other friend’s WhatsApp and make a comparison. If the DP and last seen are not visible on your WhatsApp but are visible on your friend’s WhatsApp, then he has definitely blocked you on WhatsApp.
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2. Try to message them
This will give you the surest sign to know if you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp or not. Open the chat window and send a message to them. If they have blocked you then your message will not be delivered and you will see only one checkmark instead of a double checkmark.
Wait for some time to get confirmation because it may happen that he is not online or not connected to the internet. If your message not delivered to them then it’s a sign that you are likely to be blocked by them. If someone blocked you on WhatsApp then you can send a message to them but the message would not be actually sent. It will never be a double checkmark. If this happens in your case then you are booked by them.
It all becomes very easy when you have any doubt that they have blocked you on WhatsApp and that person is in front of you. If you do not want to ask him directly, then you can follow the given method.
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3. Call the contact (Voice or video call)
If you have a doubt a person has blocked you on Whatsapp then try to call them. If your call does not go through then it means you are blocked by them. It may happen that the call doesn’t go through if you have bad internet connectivity. So for that, try to make a call after a while when you have strong internet connectivity. If still it doesn’t then you are blocked.
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4. Can’t able to see the status
If someone has blocked you on Whatsapp then along with a display picture, you would not able to see the status in your WhatsApp status section. If the contact has set the WhatsApp status to the “only me” then through this tip you are not cleared whether they have blocked you on WhatsApp or not. This may happen due to the contact’s privacy setting. My suggestion is to always check through your other mutual friend as discussed above.
5. Create a WhatsApp group with the contact
Try to make a WhatsApp group with the contact you feel that they have blocked you. If you can’t add them to the WhatsApp group then it’s a sign that you are blocked.
If you see these types of indicators mentioned above for which you feel that they blocked you, this means that you are blocked. If one of the above indicators false for a contact then you are not blocked by him.
WhatsApp guides:
This is how you can solve your doubts. By following these five tips you can identify whether you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp or not. So now you know how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp or how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp without messaging them.
When you are blocked on WhatsApp what happens?
If you have been blocked by someone on WhatsApp then you would not able to see profile updates, last seen activity, WhatsApp status, or any other type of activity. you can send a message but it will not reach the contact. You can call them on WhatsApp but it will not reach the contact. You can’t add them to the WhatsApp group.
You may have a question that why WhatsApp doesn’t notify you when someone blocks you on WhatsApp? It’s due to the user’s privacy.
Want to block someone on WhatsApp the follow the guide below:
How can I send a message to someone who blocked me on WhatsApp?
You can send a message to the contact but it will not reach the recipient if they have blocked you. Only if the contact unblocks you then you can send a message otherwise not.
Can I call someone who blocked me on WhatsApp?
You can call someone who has blocked you on WhatsApp but the call will not reach the contact because they have blocked you. If you didn’t get a reply then there is a possibility that you have been blocked.
Can I see his WhatsApp status that blocked me on WhatsApp?
No. You can’t see his WhatsApp status updates.
Can I see his profile picture that blocked me on WhatsApp?
No. You can’t see if you are blocked.
In this guide, we have shown you how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp. By reading this article you can solve your question How do you know if someone blocked me on WhatsApp without messaging them?
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